Coffee is the only drink in the world being consumed in every single country on this planet. According to Brittanica, coffee is beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plants of African origin. Coffee is consumed while people discuss all sorts of life and business matters. Drinking coffee is social event now, hundreds of stories, plans or plots have been made. Over a cup of coffee, business matters are resolved. UK has developed this culture from 2005 onwards. Apparently there are some health benefits (1) with presence of some natural antioxidants and it is also used in sports as booster in long distance sports. There are two main massively commerial varieties, Robusta and Arabica, and several countries around the world from Costa Rica to Brasil, Vietnam to Ethiopia and from Kenya to Indonesia Source: 1. Coffee the most addictive drink in the worldComments are closed.
January 2023