We have made a decision in the past with regards to increase of organic product range. We are working on this constantly. We know that this is not an easy task. At the moment, the new product on offer a new addition to our range of organic foods is:
Organic Amfissa Green Olives As the names says this variety of Green Olives is called Amfissa. Amfissa is a town in central Greece known for its agricultural products related to olives, which a PDO product: Protected designation of Origin. It is not enough to offer foods with organic accreditation status, but they should also be tasting great too. Now we give the opportunity to our customers: delicatessen shops and high end grocery shops to taste our products before any purchase. Expand your product range and purchase as many units as you would like but before that w e recommend taste this Organic Amfissa Green Olives. Comments are closed.
January 2023