''Organic'' is a word frequently used on a food product label and although seen and heard a lot we know so little about it.
Organic can be ascribed to food and certain argiculture products such as cotton when the so called organic farming practices and methods are followed. Organic farming is not new, it is an ancient practice used by humans for generations to fight off any diseases and insects in their animals and plants. Organic is not a buzz word- As consumers remain confused and puzzled as we still believe the word ”natural” on the label or on a description of food is the same as the word ''organic'' but it is not, and it will never be! Food production using conventional farming methods involves usage of toxic pesticides including the well known toxic and carcinogenic herbicide Round-up, the glyphosate. We have heard customers arguing that the organic products are expensive and they do not see the taste difference between the conventional food (which is full of toxic compounds, and the organic ones). Organic farming is not for enhancing the taste of the cultivated crop. Organic farming is for the health of consumers, the quality of the soil and the water and the quality of air we breath. Using the conventional farming methods promoted by chemical manufacturers, we bite the hands which feed us Instead of being happy when the organic word is seen on the label, we remain miserable. Organic certified products are products made in the same way as the nature works. Nature works in a simple humble way, as it does not need a drop of any synthetic substance foreign to its composition and the way it works. Nor does it need neonecotinoids neither glyphosate and pesticides. Still we see and hear every the huge damaging impact caused by the non-organic conventional farming. Organic food is related to word ”sustainability” as the soil and water are not contaminated by the toxic chemical pesticides, used in conventional farming to fight off insects, diseases, and weeds. When spraying on the trees and plants, chemical substances remain on the fruits, seeds, leaves and stems of the tree/plant and subsequently they end up in our food. The remaining toxic substances are called residues. These residues can not be washed off with lukewarm water when we do some rinsing in the kitchen sink. There is very little sampling on these products with regards to testing of chemical residues remaining in the food from any regulating organisation/body either nationally or internationally in EU countries. According to Merriam Webster on line dictionary, toxic : ”containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation” and it uses an example of ”an insecticide highly toxic to birds” World uses over 4.1 million tonnes of pesticides and a recent research published in Environmental Science & Technology Journal on 3rd of February 2021 reveals that up to 50% of these toxic pesticides ends up in the soil. They then get dispersed all over through the processes of volatilisation, wind erosion, leaching and runoff. Possibly a huge amount of them ends in underground water systems. Humans end up eating and drinking contaminated food triggering various diseases with the major one being cancer. These cases have been seen all over the world, especially those cases related to super toxic carcinogenic Round-up. Here in Organic ekiosk, we offer clean products by selling only Organic certified foods, and only from artisan producers, farmers, growers and beekeepers. Organic certified producer follow the strict standards and they are not allowed to use toxic chemical to keep insects and diseases away. We insist in Organic Beekeeping as the conventional beekeeping uses the super toxic compound armitraz traded, in some countries, with the name tic-tac. Symptoms of poisoning with armitraz are the following: ”the clinical manifestations varies from central nervous system (CNS) depression (drowsiness, coma, and convulsions), miosis or mydriasis, respiratory depression, cardiovascular depression (bradycardia, hypotension), hypothermia or hyperthermia, hyperglycemia, polyuria, vomiting and decreased gastrointestinal motility” (Source: BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, Herath, Pahalagamage, 23/01/2017). We become dizzy by reading only one line of the symptoms, and these are the symptoms of one toxic insecticide. In some cases, more than one pesticide is applied therefore the sum of symptoms might be huge. Humans are at end of food chain and subsequently food contaminated with chemicals ends in human body system, which in turn is converted into a storage system of toxic substances. Human body is not always able excrete these toxic substances through our normal bodily liquids. No wonder why we have seen cancer or other incurable diseases appearing more frequently than a few decades ago and some of these diseases were totally unknown at that time. Do we want our children to be free from all these dangerous and poisonous chemicals? Of course, how is it going to be done? By consuming organic foods, free from any chemicals organic foods will help towards a development of a strong immune system to fight off viruses and flus in the future. Source: https://organicekiosk.com/saving-our-soil-and-water-from-toxic-pesticides/ Comments are closed.
January 2023